30 mei 2005


Open brief aan de beheerder van alle Disney-parken in de wereld: jay.rasulo@disney.com
Voel je geheel vrij om een copy-pasteje te doen.

Dear Mr. Lasuro,

The Walt Disney Company prides itself on its environmental policies. From a company that is so big and directly speaks to this worlds children, that is a reassuring thing to hear. As your environmentality mascot, Jiminy Cricket, says: “A little thing makes a large difference.” This is of course true. Take sharks now: if you cut of a shark’s fin, it will completely bleed to death. If you remove all the sharks from a spot of sea, in terms of biomass this is neglible, but you’ll mess up the ecosystem no end, and destroy part of the livelihood of people who make their living from tourists who prefer live sharks to a bowl of soup.

It therefore surprises me that Disney has chosen to ignore international calls for your Disneyland Hong Kong venture to remove shark fin soup from its menus. The Chinese demand for shark fin soup has put a terrible strain on shark populations and hence marine ecosystems worldwide. As Walt Disney himself said: “if we will use our riches wisely, if we will protect our wildlife and preserve our lakes and streams, these things will last us for generations to come." Surely this waste of wildlife would not have appeared to the man.

I urge you to reconsider the use of shark fins in the Disneyland Hongkong restaurants. Shark finning is a vile practice that stands directly opposite of what Walt and Jiminy would have us do. I will not spend money with a company that supports it.

Thanking you for your time,

Morgen komt er natuurlijk weer een Nederlandstalig blogje, van Iknik welteverstaan.

1 Reacties:

Anonymous Anoniem zei...

hihi, ik ga dat ook een keer doen. Maak een internetsite en laat die helemaal volplempen door Bart. :P

31 mei 2005 om 09:02  

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